Advanced Database Assignment with 10 problems

Database Query (Link)

1. Execute all the create statements.

2. Insert at least 10Data of each table.

3. Create a view that stores the query of inner join Countries, Departments, and Employees.

4. Find the details of employees who came from “Uganda” and work in the “IT” department.

5. Find the Name and Salary of employees whose Department ID is the same as employee number 2
(Assume) and whose SALARY is greater than X’s SALARY

6. Retrieve the name of the employee who gets the highest salary among all employees.

7. Find the last names of all employees that work in the SALES department.

8. Create a Procedure to find whether an employee numbered E011 (Assume) has worked 10 years or more. Print the output.

9. Create a Procedure that will take Employee ID as Input and Provide Employees Details as output. Like Employee First Name, Last Name, Salary, Hire date. And 
print the information in a single line of the statement.

10. Create a Procedure that takes Employee ID and Name as input and return Salary as output. Print the output.

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